ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_102-e / Inbox / drafts / 7.2.10 / [102-e-NR-MRDC-CA-Cross-CC-Unaligned-CA

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icon Draft CRs 2020/08/24 15:18
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/17 19:48 309,1 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V001-FL-ZTE.docx 2020/08/18 3:30 343,1 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V002-ZTE-Samsung.docx 2020/08/18 5:28 345,8 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V003-Samsung-ASUSTeK.docx 2020/08/18 7:50 346,3 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V003-Samsung_Intel.docx 2020/08/18 7:43 347,1 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V004-Intel_ASUSTeK.docx 2020/08/18 7:55 345,3 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V005-ASUSTeK_MTK.docx 2020/08/18 11:09 347,7 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/18 11:51 317,4 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS V007-Nokia_LG.docx 2020/08/19 6:23 348,7 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/19 7:12 319,6 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/19 8:33 318,7 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/19 12:25 319,9 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/19 20:55 327,3 KB
icon R1-200xxxx X-CC sched and CSI-RS 2020/08/24 15:17 329,4 KB

15 items.